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What is an AI influencer?

Ever wondered about the phenomenon of AI influencers?

These are essentially social media personas crafted entirely through artificial intelligence. They're not just pixels on a screen; these digital avatars are crafted to look strikingly real, capable of emulating anyone, and empowered to articulate and engage in various actions as programmed.

But what's the purpose behind them?

AI influencers often serve as powerful marketing tools, endorsing products and brands to their sizable followings across social media platforms. Some have even delved into entrepreneurship, boasting merchandise lines and lucrative endorsement deals.

And who takes the crown as the most popular virtual influencer?

Look no further than Miquela Sousa, or @lilmiquela, reigning supreme on Instagram with a staggering 2.9 million followers. Partnering with prestigious fashion houses like Prada and Calvin Klein, she's become an icon in the world of virtual influence.

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